Portability: Moving with a Voucher


What is Portability?

Portability refers to the process that allows families to move with their voucher anywhere in the U.S. where there is an HCV program. For a family to be eligible for portability, they must be income eligible in the area where they plan to move and must leave their current unit in “good standing.” New families may not be able to port immediately; they may have to live in the jurisdiction of the initial PHA for a year before they can port. Initial public housing authorities may allow moves during the first year.


  • Initial PHA: The housing authority where you initially received and leased with a voucher.
  • Receiving PHA: The housing authority in the jurisdiction you plan to move to.



For Program Participants:

For Public Housing Agency Personnel:

  • Port In by PHA (Public Housing Agency Porting a Participant Moving into Montana)